Parenting Help for Dummies (daddies and mummies)

Need parenting help? There is no single formula for being a good parent. It takes patience, dedication and skills that you learn with time. Whether you are a first-time parent or your baby already has elder siblings, this section offers parenting help to all sorts of parents. 

Check our menu for our most talked about topics. You can always contact us in case you have a question in mind.

Baby Blues & Postpartum Depression:

While it is quite natural for a new mom to experience anxiety and baby blues, the phase should pass within few weeks when the baby as well as other family members settle down to the new routine. Sometimes it is not an easy process and results in something very serious, commonly known as Postpartum or Postnatal Depression (PPD). The symptoms of Postpartum Depression include… 

Are you a Helicopter Parent?

We all love our little ones, but Helicopter Parents hover over their children (like a helicopter) all the time to make sure their children continuously get all sorts of support. What makes this parenting practice so bad? Read our article on how to know if you are a helicopter parent and how to avoid being one.

What is a Lawnmower Parent and how to not be one?

A Lawnmower Parent is one step ahead of a helicopter parent. These parents go to whatever lengths necessary to prevent their children from having to face struggle or failure. Instead of preparing children for challenges, they mow obstacles down so kids won’t experience them in the first place. Learn all about Lawnmower Parents here…

Parenting help on Siblings Rivalry

How to deal with siblings relationship when a new baby is introduced in the family? Believe it or not, you can stop siblings rivalry even before the birth and help your older child adjust with the new baby. Here are 10 super-effective ways to convert siblings rivalry into unconditional love…

Humor Alert! You know you are a Mom when …

Let’s laugh out the stress! We have been flooded with your feedback on this one! You know you are a mom when…

You know you are a Dad when …

If you are a father, you can definitely relate to these 20 funny signs of fatherhood! You know you are a dad when…

Parenting Jokes:

Sometimes you may not really need any parenting help, but a few chuckles to brighten up your day. Here is a huge collection of jokes for you that all parents can relate to:

Do It Yourself (DIY) projects

Do you want to do something fun and creative but are pressed for time and money? Here are some super creative ideas that can save you loads of money (why buy stuff from the market when you can make ‘em at home).

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