Mummy's Guide to Newborn Baby Care

Have a million questions regarding newborn baby care?

Let me tell you a secret. When I had my first baby, I was clueless about what to do and how to care for newborn baby. I read some books on newborn baby care tips, I asked my mum on how she made sure I survive my initial years, and I also received a plethora of confusing and contradicting help from left and right. Like most of us, my first daughter was raised by experiments. I used to over-dress her as an infant to make sure she was nice and cozy to an extent that she used to wake up sweating. I used to over-feed her to make sure she'd not die of hunger! In short, all possible experiments that a new clueless mom can do, I did that to her. But they were done out of pure love - to make sure that I was the best mother she can ever get.

Those experiments and their results taught me on how to be a better version of myself when I had my second baby. In the six year gap between them, I read and implemented, and realized how I could do better and be better. And I want to save you and your newborn from all the experiments. That's why I am here with the best newborn baby care tips that you can get.

Many first time parents get quite nervous at the thought of a 7 pounds (or more) baby waking up and starting to cry. From the very moment the nurse shows you your newborn till the time you pack your bag from the hospital to bring your tiny guest home for good, you have the nurses and doctors by your side. For this reason, as soon as you enter your home and put your baby-bag down, a million things regarding newborn baby care pop up in your mind. Here are some of the topics you must be looking for...

Infant care

Newborn baby care has never been this easy. Let us help you, because we are really good at it!

Newborn Baby Care after a few weeks...

Your newborn baby care varies from initial weeks to that when you baby is a few months old. 

Newborn Baby Care for your developing baby...

When your baby starts to grow, you need to keep track of the developmental milestones that he/she should be achieving. Also, don't forget to baby-proof your surroundings when the little one starts to crawl. Small steps in taking care of newborn baby can make a huge difference.

Take help from our huge database of articles specially written for your help. God gave you a newborn baby and we are giving you our website! Dig in!

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