About Me

My daughter Noya

Want to know about the person behind this site?


I am Sahar and this is my precious little daughter Noya. I am a mother, a writer, an ardent reader and a Software Engineer. By combining these factors with the love of helping new parents and parents-to-be, Newborn Hub website came into existence.

This website is a result of hundreds of books and articles that I benefited from, plus dozens of people who gave me tips and taught me tricks on becoming an effective parent, constant reminders from my husband to do something productive in life, and of course, the most important of all, the God-gifted motherly (replace this word with parental in case you are a dad ;-)) skills that every parent experiences when they enter the wonderful world of parenthood.

If you are going through newborn sleep dilemmas or facing problems in interpreting your little one's crying episodes; juggling between the breasts or shaking the formula bottle; I have been there and done that - and am here to help you out too. Whether you have been surprised by a premature baby or overwhelmed by twins & triplets, let me be your friend on this exciting journey of unconditional love.

And I would love to listen back from you. Let's stay connected through this hub - our very own Newborn Hub.

Happy parenting :)

Edit 2014: Guess what? Noya has a baby sister now. Meet Ayla!

When Noya became a sister.
It's amazing to see how they complete each other.

Being a mother of two has its ups and downs - twice the work but twice the fun; twice the stress yet twice the love too! Let NewbornHub.com help you in becoming a better parent than you already are. Or, if you want to share your parenting advice, you are more than welcome to comment and share your thoughts with the visitors.

How to get in touch?

4 ways to get in touch with me!

1. Do you have a question regarding your baby's health, care, sleep, feeding, behavior, or possibly anything? I would LOVE to help you! Come on and shoot! Ask me a question by clicking here. Or click here if you just want to leave me a feedback about my site.

2. "Like" Newborn Hub's Facebook page, share your thoughts and get constant feed on baby news, views, humor, articles and tips.
Here's the page: https://www.facebook.com/newbornhub

3. "Follow" me at Twitter @NewbornHub.

4. Email at info@newbornHub.com

Come on! Let's stay connected : )

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