12 Months Old:
Babies Development and 1st Birthday (Weeks 45 - 48)
Babies development occurs at its own pace. Eleven months have passed since your baby arrived and it seems like a
pretty bumpy ride from day one. You had some very memorable moments –
when your little one smiled for the first time, showed his first tooth,
started crawling, and called you mama or dada.
But you have also faced some pretty long sleepless nights, diaper leaks and colic at its best! Soon your little one would be blowing his first candle, or at least would try to make an attempt! You must give yourself and your spouse a lot of credit to accommodate this humongous change.
Week 45
Week 45 of babies development has started. Let's see what this week brings to you.
- Do you have a "Me-time"? By this time, you should now focus on some quality time for yourself, and if you still have that pregnancy weight on, try following a routine to shed it off. After a couple of months your baby would turn into a toddler, and would start running everywhere in the house and you would be chasing him, cleaning all the spills he makes and hiding breakable stuff from him.
- The "Us-time": Don’t forget to focus on your relationship with your spouse. After any delivery, the relationship with your partner is bound to change and it is pretty normal to feel exhausted. But as your little one starts to grow up, try resuming your old routine, though you can not get it exactly the same again. However, try fun-activities that involve your spouse as well as your baby.
- Social activities: Your baby is learning to socialize at this stage. He still has a short-term memory and may not remember any relative or friend of yours who visited last month. For this reason, if you are planning to celebrate his first birthday by inviting a lot of guests, try introducing him to a couple of friends or relatives first, or even children in the park so that when the big day arrives, he does not end up screaming and repelling people.
Week 46
If you are following babies development milestones at NewbornHub, you may notice that by this time, your baby will successfully have his teeth popped out; started semi-solids/ soft-solids; said some heart warming words like mama, dada ,etc.,; started to stand and move with little or no support; and even walked a couple of steps without support.
By the middle of this month, notice the following traits in your baby:
- Your baby needs constant encouragement: Your baby is going through a lot of development, both physical and mentally. He may be busy learning how to crawl fast, or to roam around in the house with furniture support (do not forget to baby-proof your house first). He may feel excited on the thought of standing for a while, or may just feel cranky due to the pain in his gums. Whatever the case is, your child needs your support each and every second, and show him that you are with him by encouraging him and talking to him even when you are busy doing something else.
- Home remedies work miracles: Try some home remedies for treating problems like nappy rashes, dryness of skin and dental pain. The answer to every problem is not always a medicine. If your little one has constipation, include more fiber and warm milk in his diet; if he has gum pain, give him a cold carrot to chew on; if his skin is too dry, don't forget to oil massage before bath time and/or tucking him into the crib. Talk to your baby and assure him that you can feel his pain and discomfort.
- The power of "No": If your little one is up to some naughty activity, use “No” to teach him what’s right and what’s not.
- Forcing your little one will only make him stubborn: If he does not want to have his meal or play with a toy, do not force him. It is sometimes normal for your baby to not want to do something that he normally likes. Give him some time; show him that you understand.
Week 47
Your baby is growing! Babies development is getting exciting by each passing week, specially now that your baby is about to turn one.
- In comfort vs style, comfort is the clear winner: If you are planning to celebrate your baby’s first birthday by inviting some friends and relatives, this probably will be your shopping week. Make sure you do not buy too fancy clothes for your baby as clothes with frills and glittery (and scratchy) material may irritate your little one, and the last thing you would want would be to have an irritated birthday boy/ girl to handle on the big day.
- Shopping for baby: If you do not have much time, try shopping online. Look out for discounts. Do not buy too much clothes for your baby as he might be getting some clothes’ gifts. If you are not sure about the color of clothes you want to get for your child, and want to avoid the clichéd pink and blue, explore more colors for babies.
Your baby will try to be as mobile as possible, so make sure you buy a comfortable birthday dress for him. It’s not just a big day for your little one, it’s a big day for your spouse and you – so be ready for it!
Week 48 - The Birthday Week!
Our babies development section has now reached the final week!
- Thousand miles begin with a single step: If your child has not started walking, take out your camera and be prepared this week. Generally babies take their first step when they are around one year old. If you think your little one is still not ready, do not force him. Give him some more time to strengthen his muscles and gain confidence to walk. When your child is reaching two years of age and he still does not show interest in walking, you can then take him to the doctor.
- Be prudent in baby-proofing: If you still haven’t baby-proofed your home yet, what are you waiting for? It’s not just the nursery that needs to be baby-proofed, but every nook and corner of the house needs to be safe for the baby. You never know when your baby is going to walk or crawl away to your kitchen or washroom.

We started our journey the day your baby was born. You celebrated your baby's most memorable moments with us; and shared the tough nights and sick days of your bundle of love. And now, your baby is all set to celebrate his big day. Babies development seem to be so fast paced.
Whether it is a private family moment, or you have called half the town to clap while your little one tries to blow the candle - make the moment yours. Your baby, his siblings, your spouse and you have worked a long way in getting here. The credit of babies development goes to the family as well as to the growing baby. Bravo!
Your baby finally turns 1. He has now grown up to become a
toddler. The transition from a baby to a toddler will change a lot of things for you from now on. He would be
more playful, yet naughty; more inquisitive and sharp. Celebrate each day as it passes. Each day is unique, and is an addition to the wonderful memories of your family.
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Baby Development - Week by Week:
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