Covid 19 -
How to take care of your kids if you suspect having Corona virus?

Are you having some of the symptoms of Covid-19? Do you worry about your infants and kids catching them? Given the demographics internationally, it appears that babies and children are less susceptible to Corona virus. This doesn’t mean that they can’t carry it or be severely impacted by it. More importantly, it is a massive concern if you are a carrier of the Covid 19 virus and bring it home to infants or kids.

With not much help at hand and social distancing being the norm these days, looking after your newbies or kids is even harder. What is harder and unimaginable is either or both of the parents falling sick to Covid19. This, as we know, requires self-quarantining or in critical cases, hospitalization.

How to keep your kids safe from the Covid19?

It is prudent to foresee these risks materializing with each passing day and planning for your kids and infants upkeep as below, in the unfortunate situation of isolating them from yourselves. 

  • Designate your caregiver. You caretaker should be your first point of contact and help, whether the kids or infants have also caught the virus from you or not. It is pertinent to note that the caregiver shouldn’t be an elderly as they are a high risk to contract it, leading to complications and mortality at worst. It is preferable if the caretaker is an aunt or uncle who are in good health, not exposed to covid-19 and who do not live in a high-risk area.

    Any caregiver contact information should be displayed in a prominent place so that emergency or paramedics can easily find it, in case you cannot provide it to them directly.
  • Isolate but stay home - Barring any existing health complications or critical cases, corona virus requires the same measures as your usual influenza or viral respiratory infections, i.e. staying home and distancing yourself with those not infected. It is important to keep your eating utensils and dishes, toiletries, sleeping areas completely isolated from newbies and kids. These restrictions need to be strictly adhered to until you are a low risk of transmitting the covid-19 (usually 14 days) or until your doctor suggests.
  • Keeping frequently used areas clean - This is a fairly mundane and simple exercise. You do not need anything special to disinfect Covid-19 virus threats in and around your home. Any household cleaning solution or simple soap mixed with water will do. Pay special attention to kids room, dining areas, staircase, handrails and playing areas where kids and newbies spend most part of their day. Do not share the bathroom that your kids share, no matter how well you clean it after use.
  • Look after yourself - As the famous saying goes, ‘prevention is better than cure’. Try and stay safe by limiting your outside interaction, working from home and doing all that you possibly could to avoid catching this virus. It is a civic duty of all parents to look after their health and hygiene, for the betterment of their kids and those of others by not spreading this virus. In fact, I would go as far as to say that looking after yourselves is equivalent to looking after your newborn or kids. If you are healthy, chances are they will be healthy too.
  • Keep them entertained – Whether they are isolating because of you or themselves, kids will invariably get frustrated and bored whilst recovery period is ongoing (this can run into weeks and months depending on the severity of the infection and the immunity of the person affected). Make sure you provide them with their choice of games and movies, their favorite food (preferably healthy snacks) and of course their gadgets (if they use it, then ensuring they adhere to their screen times). You can also encourage them to follow the news on TV or listen to informative podcasts or watching vlogs on the current state of Corona virus and associated information.

Newbornhub is fully aware and acknowledges that Corona virus impact and corresponding responses to it are ever changing with the fluidity of the situation around the world. Your kids are exposed to all sorts of news and updates (factually incorrect, creating fear in them or absolutely fake and concocted) from multiple sources. It is your duty as a parent to listen to them carefully when they are expressing a concern, provide them with updated and verified information and keep giving them positivity in general.

As parents, please feel free to share your thoughts and concerns in these testing times. We are listening to you and are here to help you weather this storm. Together, we are stronger!

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